Restorative Services

Restoring health to a tooth and the mouth through conservative removal of weakened tooth structure, or sometimes replacing with implants.

Before & After Cases

See the results of our many services in action. These are undoctored, real photos from our patients' journeys to a more confident smile.


Worn and chipped dentition requiring bleaching and crowns.
Patient had short, square composite restorations she was unhappy with, which required crown lengthening (Dr. Brently Grimard) and bleaching and crowns of her upper anterior teeth.
Patient had existing crowns that she was unhappy about the appearance and spacing of her 2 front crowns. We removed the crowns, bleached her teeth and placed 4 new upper anterior crowns.
Patient had moderate/advanced worn and chipped dentition requiring bleaching and crowns.
Patient had large vertical hairline fractures into dentin requiring crowns on 3 of her anterior teeth

Crowns/Fixed Implant Bridge

Patient had 2 abscessed anterior teeth and a traumatic overbite and sleep apnea. His front 4 teeth were extracted (Dr. Brently Grimard) and 2 implants were placed, and a permanent implant bridge was placed. Pt’s sleep apnea is improved by improving his overbite situation, which was severe.
Patient had unsightly bridge margins and was getting decay under bridge. Bleached and placed new anterior bridge. 
Patient had periodontal disease and was losing her upper teeth. 4 implants placed and upper fixed bridge/palateless denture was placed.
Patient had decay and periodontal disease and was losing her upper teeth. 4 implants placed (Dr. Brently Grimard) and upper fixed bridge/palateless denture was placed.


Patient chipped upper tooth and composite restoration placed same day.
Advanced decay on multiple anterior teeth of elderly patient. Placed large composites same day. No extractions!


  • Implant healing abutment placed by Dr. Brently Grimard (periodontist)
  • Implant healing abutment removed in order to place permanent implant retained crown
  • Implant retained crown and screw retained abutment
  • Implant crowns after trauma
Patient congenitally missing upper lateral incisor. Orthodontic treatment (Dr. Brian Scott), implant placement (Dr. Brently Grimard) and crowns on upper lateral incisors.
Patient had facial trauma, lost 3 teeth (2 on top, 1 on bottom), orthodontic treatment (Dr. Brian Scott), 3 implants placed (Dr. Brently Grimard) and crowns on upper anterior teeth.
These are undoctored, real photos from our patients' journeys to a more confident smile.
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